Thursday, October 4, 2007

Get Insurance Through Associations

It's not really the first place you think of, but associations and unions often times offer insurance, or discount prescription plan to members.

Keep in mind, this means you have to pay the association fee to join, and then actual insurance premium. But this is just another way you can gain insurance, even if you've been rejected by private companies.
Some associations have stringent membership requirements, while others let you in upon membership fee. Word of caution, however, always thoroughly research the association and the insurance.

Some associations with benefits include:

AARP MembeRX Choice (prescription only)
Members of AARP pay $19.95 per year for a prescription drug discount program. They claim you'll save up to 53% off. You only need to be 40 to take advantage of this!

American Society of Journalists and Authors

Federation of American Consumers and Travelers
FACT offers health insurance, dental, or a prescription RX plan. You pay only $36 for the year to join and the first 30 days are free.

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